YouTube Vs Blogging (Which is the Best)

YouTube vs Blogging

If you think which one of Youtube Vs Blogging is good? So you keep reading this article, you will get answers to your questions.

Many people who want to make money online, when they search on Google how to make money online, they find two main ways in which you can make money by creating YouTube channel and earning money from blogging, there are two big ways, so today We are going to talk about these in detail, what you should do among these two so that you can make money quickly and easily.

I am going to tell you here, how you can earn more money on YouTube versus blogging.

We are going to discuss here which work can be done easily, which work presents problems, and which requires more investment.

YouTube Vs Blogging

YouTube and blogging are both different, and the ways of earning money and working inside them are also different.

We have to understand these two first to choose what we want to work on, so let me explain to you “what YouTube is ” and “what blogging is.”

What is YouTube

You have to make a video to work on YouTube and you can upload it to YouTube, you can make a video and upload it on YouTube, then you cannot change it.

If you have to explain anything to your user, then you can explain through video, you can give any type of knowledge through video.

What is Blogging

If you want to do blogging, then you should know how to write well. You can explain your point to people by writing articles on your blog and can earn money.

In blogging, you have to create your own blog and write articles on it, you can share whatever knowledge you want to share and monetize it with Google Adsense and there are many ways to earn money in blogging.

You are reading this article here, it is also a blog.

How to Make Money

You must know that money can be earned from both YouTube and blogging, but what are the main ways to earn money from YouTube and blogging?

We have explained it completely here.


You can earn money from YouTube in many ways, mainly Google Adsense and after Google Adsense you can do affiliate marketing and also sponsor videos.

When your channel becomes popular in YouTube, you can join different affiliate networks and earn Earning by promote them, which can pay many times more money than Google Adsense.


In Youtube Vs Blogging, if we talk about earning, you can do most of the earning with blogging, but blogging is a bit difficult, you have to write content and do SEO.

In blogging, you can earn Google Adsense as well as affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, backlinks and many other ways that can get you earning on a very large scale.


Here we will see how much investment will have to be made to get started in YouTube Vs Blogging, and how much we can invest later.


We do not need to invest at all to start a YouTube channel and when our channel grows, we can buy a good mic and camera so that our video quality can be good.

If you want to invest more than this, you can do it to create your setup, YouTube only needs this much investment.


If you want to do blogging, then you have to do some investment in advance like you have to buy a domain and buy a hosting which is good.

After this, if you want to invest more, you can buy paid plugins and paid themes, which will make your work easier and you will be able to generate more revenue.

Difference (YouTube Vs Blogging)

Here I have told you what is the difference between Youtube and Blogging, whether it is about earnings or investment.

You can only publish video content on YouTube. And some content can be written in the video description.You can publish text, images and video content on the blog, it becomes an advantage of blogging.
You can host your videos for free in Youtube.To host your content, you have to pay hosting fees in Blogging.
You do not need much technical knowledge here.You need technical knowledge for more features in your blog.
There are fewer ways to earn money on YouTube than blogging.
[Youtube – Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, Sponsored video, Permotions]
Blogging has more ways to make money than Youtube.
[Blogging – Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, Sponsored Post, Promotions, Backlinks, Banner selling, Guest Posting]
On Youtube, you can make a better impact on the Viewer than Video.Like Youtube in Blogging, we can add video content, but in this we cannot affect the user like Youtube.
In YouTube you do not need any maintenance cost.In blogging, you have to renew the yearly domain and hosting. And if you have taken Themes and Plugins, then you have to pay for them as well.
Youtube Vs Blogging

Similarities in YouTube and Blogging

Here I am going to tell you the similarities in YouTube Vs Blogging.

Here you have to make small investment like you have to buy a mic. You will need a good camera here which can also be of your phone.You will also have to make small investments for blogging like you have to buy domain and hosting.
To start Youtube channel you will need Original Video Content. You cannot copy-paste anywhere.To start Blogging, you will need Original Content. You cannot copy-paste anywhere.
You have to learn a lot to start a YouTube channel.You have to learn a lot to start blogging.
To grow Youtube channel, you will have to spend a lot of time and afforts in it.To grow a blog, you have to spend a lot of time and afforts in it.
You can monetize Youtube channel with Google Adsense and affiliate marketing.You can monetize your blog with Google Adsense and do affiliate marketing.


If you are thinking that which one of youtube Vs Blogging should you start at this time, then let me tell you that you should start both YouTube and Blogging right now.

If you cannot start YouTube Vs Blogging both simultaneously, then you should start a YouTube channel because there is less investment in it and you will get success in it too soon.

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